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You Can Kill My Children, But Don't You Dare Touch My Guns.

  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” – Second Amendment to the Constitution.             1787 was when that was written. A group of men who had struggled to rip free a country from the grips of another. They did so on the backs of militia’s, being that they did not have a standing army. The right to own guns is so ingrained in the minds of the people of this country that we willingly let children die.             That may seem harsh. Of course, no one wants children to die. But what other conclusions can you come to when a deranged individual shoots 19 children with a legally obtained firearm. We could have prevented this. Easily. We chose not to. We chose to let those children die. Make no mistake. It wasn’t even a hard choice. “The problem is these people need a good old fashion butt woopin.” – Countless facebook users.             Could you imagine if a house was